The Wall Street Journal reports that on Wednesday, as the government of Japan came up to the idea of calling for business to come up with their own energy-saving plan to avoid the massive blackout that they are planning to do this summer to be able to save 25% of the electric industry, Hiromasa Yonekura, the head of Japan’s leading business came to criticize the idea.
It has also been reported that much of eastern and northern Japan has been suffering a large gap between the demand and supply of power in the coming summer months since the earthquake and tsunami hit the country and destroyed its nuclear power plant. Since then, the government has been in trouble looking for ways to provide the country with ample electricity. The lack of secure electric supply in the country will greatly affect its economy in the coming months as reported. The overall damage of the earthquake and tsunami were likely to reach trillions of yen or billions of dollars. The government has expected great change and improvement in the country before the earthquake struck them, but plans and things changed when the tragedy struck the country.
The same things happen to people who have eventually tried their best and failed in the business. Most of them plan and plan until so well of the outcome of the business and then eventually end up feeling sorry for themselves for not trying their best.
Dan Pena promotes different ways of helping thriving and hardworking people as they venture into the world of business. He has provided different audio and video files through his He has provided the video Financing Your Dream: A Proven System for Success. This video is considered to be one of Dan’s masterpieces as it teaches his followers the different tips on how to find the sources for capital you need to achieve for your personal dreams.
Japan may experience power cut out and decide to control it by lowering the country’s power usage. We usually experience this in our daily lives and need all the tips that we can get to be able to survive and make it through the tough times. Dan gives us the idea of forgetting the conventional wisdom of just waiting for things to turn out well on their own and not do anything about it. He also shares anecdotes and proverbs that he himself has experienced making us bearers of his knowledge and sharers of his success.