People nowadays are looking for new ways on how to earn a full time income or additional ways to better supplement their monthly earnings. This is the reason why more and more people are inclined towards owning or establishing their own business especially during the trying times in today’s world. The rudiments of a 9 to 5 job may be adequate for some but entrepreneurship is the way to go to experience true financial freedom.
It does not matter if you own a small business as the basics are considered to be the same as when running a global corporation, albeit in a much larger scale. The Dan Pena Castle Seminar is the choice of industry leaders, entrepreneurs and CEO’s from around the world as this is where unconventional and effective techniques on how to start and run a business are revealed. Dan Pena is a highly successful entrepreneur and has managed to grow a multimillion dollar business in less than 8 years.
Dan Pena is the founder and former President and CEO of Great Western Resources in Houston, Texas. GWRI had a market capitalization of around $445 million in 1992 and this all due in part to the smart business tactics employed by Dan Pena himself. This alone is proof positive of Dan Pena’s expertise when it comes tackling the daily rudiments of running a million dollar corporation.
The Castle Seminar will be held in Guthrie Castle located in Angus, Scotland and is actually the personal residence of Dan Pena. Guthrie Castle is situated in a 156-acre private estate and serves as the perfect backdrop for the famed Castle Seminar.
Every business owner and top level employee should know the various facets of dealing with the normal transactions of a business but the Castle Seminar aims to bring more for the enthusiastic individual. Learn tips and tricks from Dan Pena himself and know how to improve your overall leadership skills to better nurture your growing empire.
Everyone could use sufficient training from time to time. Business owners should learn how to quickly adapt to change and seize the right opportunities to achieve a successful business empire. The Dan Pena Castle Seminar is different from other events in the market simply because this seminar is availed by top leaders and captains of the industry. If you want to achieve success in your endeavor then there is no better way to do it than be trained and enlightened by highly successful people in the same field.