Announcement of Dan Pena’s 1-Day seminar to create a UK life coach

"Yesterday’s Dreams are Today’s Realities?" Set amidst an ambience that oozes of wealth Guthrie will surely sweep people of their feet. Nestled in beautiful Angus, Scotland watch Dan at the best of his wits.

At this 1-day extravaganza which is scheduled for July 24th, Dan Pena will be talking about Creating a Personal Foundation for success, Clarify Vision – being crystal clear, Building the Perception where perception is reality, Creating a Dream Team for business and life, Paying one’s self and creating exit strategy and setting up a QLA action plan in four different areas including Growth, Working Capital, Financing and Acquisitions. All these perfectly tuned to make a UK Life Coach.

These topics will touch on issues related to Redefining goals and visions, building Self Esteem, Self Confidence and Self Worth. Dan will also talk about Emotional Bank Accounts and how to build a Reservoir, getting comfortable with high performance and the importance of Leadership QLA. Other interesting topics that would clear the air about being a high performer would revolve around Accurate thinking Vs Habitual thinking, Super success, Conventional wisdom Vs the Losers crutch and Laser Beam Focus VS Ferocious Focus.

On the finance aspect Dan will talk on the myths about raising capital, financing dreams, role playing financial presentations, fundamentals and forms of Finance among a few. Also whetting the appetites of people who want to conquer the world of business Dan would talk about deal making and acquisitions, leadership, selling one’s dream and dealing with obstacles. Now that should help one reach the heights of business. All packed in a day seminar to make a UK Life coach.

29th March 2005

From Dan Peña – Executive Coach and Mentor to the High Performer.

Dear High Performance Person and Visionary,

In recent weeks, I have been very busy with clients, deals and partners. In fact I have been to the USA 3 times for 10 days each trip in 2005. On my last trip one of my partners told me he had paid his 16 year old granddaughter $5 for every tape she listened to of me teaching QLA. He wanted to set the tone with her early! In turn she said, I was cool and a "hot tamale!" No she’s not Latin/Hispanic! I sent her an autographed YFHM.

Whilst updating for the upcoming New QLA April Seven Day Seminar, I came across great "Words of Wisdom . For Business and Life" I wrote about, back in early 2001. I was so struck with it I decided to republish it in this newsletter. You will see it below. It’s very germane to all my readers, no matter where you are in your QLA life cycle. Read it and grade yourself. How do you measure up? I started reading it weekly myself as a benchmark for excellence.

The New 7 Day Extravaganza here at Guthrie is rapidly approaching. 23rd April will be here soon. I had forgotten how many additional things I talk about in the "7 Day Seminar". To see the special offer for the "New 7 Day Seminar" and what a great value at 50% discount to the old cost, please "click here". We have had a couple of drop outs due to "life." Man plans and God laughs!
As part of the update, since I haven’t given the seminar since 98/9 I have looked at all the requests, not only for the seminar itself, but what my readers and devotees wanted me to do vis-�-vis different seminars. I was surprised to read I had many requests to do the 1999 One Day QLA Seminar again. This is the seminar I gave at London Heathrow Airport twice during 1999 and never repeated them, due to time constraints. For those of you that attended you will recall how successful they were. As you know, I didn’t till last year give seminars for 2� years. But now that I am back in the swing of seminars again and seeing what tremendous value they bring and enjoying it, I have decided to give a 1 Day QLA Seminar again. Of course there will be fairly significant differences to the 1999 version;

1. it will be updated and lengthened by a couple of hours, and

2. it will be here at Guthrie! Yes you are reading correctly. How will I do this? Well I am building a large pavilion here to accommodate other new business interests I have. I broke ground early in the New Year and it will be completed in June.

I thought a lot about this and the more I thought about it the more I liked it. One of the reasons I stopped giving "1 Days" was the constant travel to a location for just 1 day. For those of you that remember from May 22, 1993 to mid Nov 1993 I gave 22 One Day Seminars across the USA. Over the following years I gave countless 1 Day Seminars and they finally took their toll and I stopped! Subsequent to that I gave 3 Day QLA Seminars and "Castle Events" that were very easy on me.

I have been asked to do 1 Day QLA Seminars many times, but didn’t. But late last year I was approached to do three 1 Day QLA seminars in London, Dubai and Australia. I liked the deal and liked the venues so I agreed to do them. As it turned out the promoter became ill and the project didn’t go through, but it did get me thinking about it again. Then I had an epiphany whilst walking around Guthrie with my dogs. Since I was already going to build a large pavilion why couldn’t I do the 1 Day Seminars here, where it would be in the ambiance of Guthrie Castle and its environs? What better place to demonstrate the perfect metaphor for "Yesterday’s Dreams are Today’s Realities?" After all Guthrie Castle was my dream over 20 years ago. Ergo, I decided that’s what I am going to do this July 25th.I will add a page to my site, along with a separate dedicated web site soon. But I did want to tell my readers now, so you could have an early start , so they don’t miss out. I wanted to tell, especially for those that live in other parts of the world and would want to attend. And just to let you know I have no 3 Day Seminars planned for 2005.

The seminar will be at an investment of only �497, or about $950, plus vat, for the first 100 that register by April 10th. Thereafter it will be �597 or about $1,150. So those of you that take action will save �100, or about $200! It will start an hour earlier at 8am and go till 6pm, an hour later than normal. The Q+A will go on as long as there are questions. We will recommend hotels who give a special rate (which will not be at London prices) to stay in nearby Dundee and Carnoustie. Great room rates with dinner have been pre arranged. We will provide buses to and from the event at our cost. We will provide a box lunch and refreshments during the day. As part of the investment attendees will receive the 1 Day QLA Seminar Power-Point presentation. And for those that come early and, or stay after the event you will get an opportunity to play at the Guthrie Castle Golf Club, my own course, at no charge, as much as you want. And for a few that want to stay at Guthrie Castle the night before and, or after they will be my guests for dinner and drinks for an additional cost.

I am not sure what the response will be, but since like events at London Heathrow Airport in 1999 were sold out, I suspect the "Castle New 1 Day QLA Event" will be heavily attended. After all, many of you have requested a more affordable QLA event to attend, to get a "Dose of Dan," for many years. And now I can provide an event that makes sense for you and a venue that works for me. So here is what you asked for and it’s at my home – Guthrie Castle – my 537 year old 15th Century Fairytale home. As the photos on my sites show Guthrie is a very special place. It certainly won’t be like going to a hotel for just another seminar or course! All the details will be published on my web site shortly. But if you are seriously interested you should take action NOW! Contact

, NOW! In addition, the first 25 to sign up will get an autographed copy of my first book, Build Your Own Guthrie! The seminar will be limited to 200. And for those that are interested in being entertained by me at my home before and, or after the event you must contact Steven ASAP! There are only a few rooms available.

Here is a brief description of Salient Points Covered in the 1 Day QLA Seminar:

"What is QLA?"
Your Quantum Leap Advantage
Building Perception to become a Reality
Creating Your Dream Team for Success
11 Steps that make a Deal
The Plan with no Escape

"Who am I?"
Pay Price to Action
No free lunch, but super success can be accomplished at a discount
Quantum Leap Advantage Action War Plan
The business investment "RED FLAG" Check List
Redefine goals and vision
Building Self Esteem, Self Confidence and Self Worth
Emotional Bank Accounts and how you build up a Reservoir
Getting comfortable with high performance
Leadership and its importance in QLA
Your doubts are not products of accurate thinking, but habitual thinking
Super success – not for everyone
Conventional wisdom – the losers crutch
What it means to be super successful
Laser Beam Focus VS Ferocious Focus
Five Credos for Success
Preparing for your Quantum Leap (15 keys)
Achieving your Quantum Leap (8 power strategies)
Cashing in on your success. Doing it again.
Take Action NOW or Never!

I am as excited as I can get at my age about the 1 Day QLA Seminar here at Guthrie! It’s hard for me to believe I didn’t think of it much sooner! Oh well! Better late than never!







Teams with the clearest sense of vision & impact WIN!





Talent base – people.are the most important assets of new economy companies.





Best question to ask a CEO.why would great people want to be part of your company?





Customers will constantly raise "the bar of expectation" for companies.





The internet is a giant "lab experiment" for corporate America and those companies that recognize this and play well within the rules of ambiguity & fluidity will survive and win. Nothing is cast in concrete.





The best form of customer service is SELF service. Constantly empower customers to get their own answers themselves.this is a huge differentiator.





"Clock Speed" of business is constantly accelerating.time really matters more than money (money you can sometimes get back, time you can’t) most even bright underestimate the value of time.think more in terms of "return on minutes"(ROM) than "return on investment" (ROI).





Get in the digital game fast, no matter how small."launch, listen, learn, then re-launch!





size is the enemy of speed! speed to react matters more than size of company.





Good leaders make sense of change in the world.then impart that insight to the team.





Shifting things (change) when life is good is tougher than when things are bad, but you should constantly be shifting.morphing.





People WANT to be led by strong leaders and good leaders are constant students.





The job of CEOs is not to be the smartest guy in the room, but to attract other smart guys to work for him. the "group brain" is far more powerful than individual brainpower.





Current accounting and measurement systems and metrics are outdated for new economy companies.





Human capital is the new currency of the digital economy.





Technical change is a sub-set of greater change – cultural change.





Good is the enemy of Great!! When we get good, we usually quit.





Great DNA encoding of people and values (not ideas) in young companies early on will create the truly great and lasting companies later.





It is not important what we do, but whom we do it with.great companies didn’t start with what they planned on doing, but they started out great by who they picked to do it with! People should get on your "bus" not for where you are going but because they like who is riding on the bus with them. The "bus" will also change directions, but the bonds of good people won’t.





Always put your best people on the best opportunities, not biggest problems.





"STOCKDALE PARADOX". Admiral Stockdale survived 7 years of torture in Vietnam not by being overly "optimistic" of being rescued within weeks, but by being realistic of knowing it could be years. The other "optimistic" American POW’s around him died from broken expectations and hearts.of hoping to be rescued within weeks. Realists are brutally honest with themselves.yet they still have an unwavering belief that they will prevail."failure is not an option; even in the face of great adversity.just know what your adversity really is"!





The Hedgehog Vs Fox.the fox is smart & cunning but gets caught up in lots of details, becoming misdirected and chasing his own tail…hedgehogs do only 1 thing and do it well and nothing else…eat. THE BEST CEO’S OF ALL TIME ARE HEDGEHOGS!!



xample: Jimmy Carter was smart, worldly, tackled many issues.and got lost in detail. Ronald Reagan had only 1 thing on his mind for 8 years.Russia.remove the "evil empire", remove the "evil empire" and remove the "evil empire"!
Reagan was a hedgehog.




All great Hedgehogs have 3 common traits:





Passionate about what they believe in.





Recognize that they are genetically encoded for their chosen field of endeavour.they really LOVE what they do!





And somebody WILL pay them for what they love to do!







CEO’S most important task.never stop becoming qualified for the job.




FLYWHEEL EFFECT.when you start pushing a 10 ton metal flywheel, it takes lots of effort to make a single revolution, but less for the next 3.momentum will start to carry the wheel forward itself.same is true in business. It’s tough and slow to build momentum and inertia, but before long, it starts spinning under it’s own force. After a while, MULTIPLE REVOLUTIONS WILL CREATE EVOLUTION!




Use technology only after you have momentum, not to create it. Technology is simply an accelerator of momentum, not a creator of it




Building a great company means your building something WORTHY of lasting.Question: how do you know if your company is worthy of lasting??? Answer: does it stand for something great to someone?




Dream now and then, they will come true!




Great companies do 2 things well:





Preserves: core values and purpose.





Changes: operating practices, technologies and culture as needed.







Closing comments to live by:





Human talent is the currency of the new economy.





Good is the ENEMY of great!





Time is more important than money ("ROM")





Be a hedgehog!!! Unwavering single mindedness.





Know WHO you want on your "bus" in work & life.





Build something that is WORTHY and STANDS for something to someone.





Take time to dream.



To Your Quantum Leap,

Daniel S. Peña Sr.

P.S. My new "Mentor" web page is near completion and should be up shortly. It will be a tremendous opportunity for those of you that are willing to work hard and understand "pay price to action!"

P.P.S. One of my current mentees and partners, Damion Lupo, just published his first book – "Maverick Mistakes in Real Estate Investing", – I wrote the forward for him. As he states, the book is written by a graduate of "The University of Getting the Crap Kicked Out of Me." Needless to say, his mistakes were made before I met Damion!

P.P.P.S. Whilst trying to write my first financial newsletter, since my recent announcement, I decided not to go forward with it. It was too time consuming to write a quality letter and I wouldn’t write anything I wouldn’t be proud to put my name on. We have not debited anyone’s credit card. I apologize for the false start!

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