London Real TV Guest Blog: Well, It’s 2015! WTF!

It’s the New Year and Brian Rose of London Real TV has asked Dan to regularly guest blog for London Realers each month, and this is officially his first guest blog post! Expect more hard-hitting truth and firm advice from the 50 Billion Dollar Man himself throughout the year!

Now what is the blog about? For this blog post, Dan shares with us how high performance people spend their so-called holidays, which are not really holidays for them because they still work while the rest of us are eating turkeys and candy canes! This may not be news to some of you, but many of you need a constant pounding of reminders of the cost to be all you can be and if you are really determined to reach your goals as fast as humanly possible. He also shares some thoughts on how he set his goals and affirmations by the new year (more on this on the next blog post) and some comments regarding the QLA Castle Seminar last October 2014. All these and more QLA stuff!

Read the blog post here.


Here is a snippet of the blog post:



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