What People Say About Dan’s Newsletter

Subj: FW: Dan Peña’s QLA Newsletter #16 Date: 2/1/01 1:48:58 PM Central Standard Time To: mail@danpena.com —–Oorspronkelijk bericht—– Van: Colin Chapman Verzonden: maandag 29 januari 2001 23:23 Aan: mail@danpena.com Onderwerp: RE: Dan Peña’s QLA Newsletter #16

Hi Dan, Colin here also from Holland, I am reading your letter and it’s good to see somebody in Holland is doing well. I for myself, am reading your book, again and again. Still listening to the tapes over and over again. I do miss talking to you and are looking forward to seeing you again. Sorry we didn’t meet while you was in Holland. I am very busy with all the things you thought me. Always thinking; “what would Dan do”, “what would Dan say”, “how would Dan act”. And it’s working out for us. We are still doing the deals and have raised now 8.500.000,– Dutch guilders at banks and done the deals with it. We also have the next intend for a 3.5 million guilder deal planned in august. It is now 21 month since we have been to the castle. I have learned more in these month’s than in the past 21 years. Until I met you I could not understand their are people in this world that can build a million guilder company without inheriting or stealing. Thanks again Dan for introducing me into the ‘New World’, the world of Dan Pena, and to us making a lot of money. Wishing you and your family all the best and hoping to see you soon, Colin Chapman p.s. “”DAN PENA FOR PRESIDENT””

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