UK Life Coach and Personal Success Coach Dan Pena’s Seminar on QLA Methodology, Raising Capital and Deals and Acquisitions

A personal success coach is a necessity in life. Dan Pena is a leading personal success coach with a belief that the only constant in life is change and the sooner one learns to cope and exceed in a changing environment the sooner success hits.

This newsletter distinguishes what people enjoy and also determine the driving force. Opinions are plenty, but helping people get across the goal line is what’s important. With simple illustrations that are easily understood, this newsletter talks of the seminar and how special it is for people listening to QLA Methodology at Guthrie Castle.

The 3 Day QLA event was held in the summer of 2001 and was for people who couldn’t make it earlier! Positioned as UK Life Coach, Dan Pena’s seminar covered QLA Methodology, Raising Capital and Deals and Acquisitions. Whether it is big or small deals, the conventional truth spoken by a personal success coach is even blind hogs will be finding big acorns!


9th January 2004

From Dan Peña – Executive Coach and Mentor to the High Performer.

Dear Friend and Subscriber,

Happy New Year!


After 2½ years of requests I have decided to give the readers what they want – another QLA Seminar.

I have just completed reviewing 2003 as has been my practice for many years. Part of my regimen is looking at what I did that I don’t want to do anymore and what I wish I did more of, but didn’t for whatever reason. The only constant in life is change and the sooner we all learn to cope and exceed in a changing environment the sooner we will succeed geometrically!

(Whilst writing this newsletter I received a call from a long lost student. I attach the essence of the call as a P.P.S.)

This process became more acute because of a request made to me in late 2003. A friend and client of The Guthrie Group and QLA devotee asked if I would consider doing a seminar in February 2004. You may remember I stopped seminars in 2001. He suggested "Raising Capital" as the topic most people are interested in. I said I would and started my preparations. As life would have it this seminar won’t take place – no fault of mine – but it got me thinking what it was like doing what I enjoy – helping people making their Quantum Leap by speaking on subject matter I know as well as anyone! I decided, as I do about most things in my life, since I was looking forward to it – I should do it!

Ergo, I have decided to give a seminar this spring here at Guthrie. I have received a number of requests since I gave my last seminar here in August 2001. I must admit I miss the interaction with the attendees, but I don’t miss the travel. As I have said countless times, speaking in front of people helps keep you sharp! Some former attendees think I merely enjoyed yelling at the attendees. Though that was part of the ambiance, I took great pleasure in helping attendees get across the goal line. I still enjoy receiving emails and letters of attendees and users of my product that tell me their many successes. I have published several of these over the years in this newsletter. As you might remember some of their stories are quite remarkable. The one thing the stories all have in common is it was a rough road and they never gave up dreaming!

The seminar will be 4 nights and 3 days, like the one in 2001. At this juncture it is envisaged I will ask a couple of my current partners to attend to mingle with the attendees. I attach a reduced version of a recent email from one of my partners who I asked about giving another seminar. It’s worth reading! Michael is a winner! I have written about him before.

People have told me, being here and listening to QLA Methodology is something special since Guthrie was my dream. Therefore I will open the universe to more so they can share in the Guthrie Castle experience, so I will charge accordingly. The cost will be only 50% of the cost of my "final" seminar held in the summer of 2001 – perhaps the people that couldn’t make it before can now make it. Though it is at the reduced price it will be the same 3 Day QLA info as the 2001 event! One of my current mentees feels strongly I should charge a lot more to make it exclusive. That is the conventional wisdom from whom I queried. Of course I decided to go against conventional wisdom and you are the beneficiaries!

The seminar will be held in early April and will cover QLA Methodology, "Raising Capital" and "Deals and Acquisitions" – one day each. All attendees will receive the 1999 One Day QLA Audio and Video as a free gift (a value of US$385) for allowing me to stay home and continue to teach!

You may have noticed the market for big deals turned in the second half of last year. Therefore the market for small deals should follow in 2004. I expect, short of all out war, small deals will flourish. Small deals are defined: 0 – 10 million. And like always – Even blind hogs will be finding big acorns! It will be the "Year of the Blind Hog!"

Those interested in seminar details should email Paul Morris at:

To Your Quantum Leap
Daniel S. Peña, Sr


I’ve given this response quite some thought, while I believe there are a million and one comments I could make here … these are some of my thoughts. First off, I believe the individual must understand that QLA is a very deep, internalization-change process that is only possible for people that have an extreme desire and un-wavering commitment…I believe the individual has to have the desire and capacity to be able to focus exclusively on truly absorbing the information.

For me, I find myself consistently recalling information from our business emails, phone calls and in person meetings over the years, BUT MOSTLY FROM CONTINUALLY LISTENING TO YOUR BUSINESS TAPES AND FROM RE-READING YOUR BOOK…using it as more of a reference book, which institutes a different way of thinking and goes against how I was raised …what I learned from my family, from grades K-12 and in college.

And for me and my deal, while I do not believe that I’m a genius…I do have what amounts to a "bull-dog" determination and a willingness to do absolutely whatever I think it may take to do a deal. And to do deals in the large scale multi-family housing industry using QLA, I’ve had to learn how to navigate deeply embedded rules that govern how deals are traditionally done. Conventionally, deals in this industry require big "up-front" earnest money deposits and equity money, they are slow moving and it usually takes several generations to build up real net worth, liquidity and wealth. However, through perseverance and continued belief in you/QLA, I’ve been able to adapt QLA methodologies to being able to do large scale multi-family housing deals and building net worth, liquidity and wealth now at the age of just turning 32! And if myself as an individual, would have had more financial acumen, business skills, etc. and perhaps most of all…would have had the ability to erase all my preconditioning and instantly inject my brain with the information from you, your business programs and the information the book provided me over 5 years ago, I would have been able to adapt and change quicker and would have achieved success quicker…much quicker.

These are some of my initial thoughts. Quantum Leaps in progress!-Michael

P.P.S. Whilst writing this newsletter I got a call from a former student who had put his family through the 3 day seminars. In fact he put his four sons (3 lawyers) and a daughter in law (a lawyer) through QLA training. He had built a successful business. Unbeknownst to me he had been in a near fatal car accident with his youngest son. He had lost his memory for 4 years and recently got it back to find much of his business had disappeared and he wanted to make a come back. This kind of "pick yourself up" story isn’t unusual. But at age 65 they are truly rare! I told him about my upcoming Guthrie Seminar and he said he would come. As an aside he stated what I have said on my Bulletin Board on my site; he felt uncomfortable leaving his story in a message asking for help. He said in many different ways I was doing the right thing in giving a seminar again. He said I have too much to offer not to use it. He read me what I had written him in the 1st page of my book almost 5 years ago. It was scary how accurate I had been.

I don’t need reinforcement when I make a decision, as most do, as I have written and said countless times. If it looks and feels hot – it’s hot. I am looking forward to seeing a group of you here soon! It will be an experience you will never forget. I look upon each and every Castle Experience fondly!


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