One of the greatest benefits for me by attending the castle seminar and using QLA was the focus on strategy. Being in the leadership training industry , I found myself easily absorbing Dan’s philosophy and adding it to my own. But the course wasn’t a “raw raw” session where you feel motivated for a week and then it fades. Instead it was a hugely valuable session to strategically take my business (and myself) to the next level. The motivation to act came from within me and then the QLA “how to” skills gave me the road map to accelerate my dreams. In the process, I also realized that my original dreams were too small and they’ve now been replaced with bigger visions that scare me enough to realize I’m on a much bolder path.When I went to the castle, I knew I want to make my company far bigger and more effective but didn’t now how. Working 20% harder was just making me 20% more tired. The QLA gave me options and perspectives I never thought of before. I would be a fool to not take advantage of those. Dan frequently challenges us to “give ourselves a big chance”. The QLA approach continues to challenge me to change myself and my business model in order to bring bigger results. There are days where I slide back to old patterns but I have new clarity about my dreams and conviction to stay in the game. I ask myself daily “have I given myself a big chance today?” As an athlete, I’m a big fan of “high performance” concepts. The QLA techniques have given the awareness to surround myself only with other high-performance people. I needed to make some very tough personal decisions and but the results on the other side of those choices have created a wealth of new opportunities! I can’t have a foot in the past and in the future…I choose to take the leap! Here’s a summary of new initiatives since the August 04 QLA Program:
- tripled my access to credit using QLA negotiation techniques and gave us a marketing edge
- added 4 new staff to free my time and evolve my role as company leader tripled my business development efforts and now dealing with senior executives more often
- attracted a new and amazing romantic partner
- integrated new presentation skills that have my clients saying “wow, your training sessions are far more powerful”
- secured new office space to improve company image and accessibility
- continually change my old techniques with new ones to give myself and company a big chance and live up to our name!