Issue #88 : Dan Pena QLA Newsletter From Asia

Dear High Performance Visionary:


For those of you that might NOT have believed QLA RESULTS were still possible like I and others have accomplished – you missed the recent headline!

Instagram and the fastest, biggest payouts in tech startup history

It is extremely gratifying to see success like exhibited by the founders of Instgram! What has changed since my initial successes is the quantum of the numbers. The Internet has allowed even more growth possible than in the bricks and mortar industries that I dealt with years ago. It is easier to get a business to a million dollars/pounds in revenue on the net! It is not easy! But it is easier when compared to construction, etc., though all businesses use the Internet to enhance marketing.

Though me turning $820 into an IPO of £50 million in less than 30 months, in 1984, is still impressive – even bigger is now possible! Of course ultimately taking $820 and creating $450,000,000 in 8 years is still a very extraordinary 540,000% per YEAR growth! Yes, that is 540,000% every year for 8 years! I say that with not much modesty! LOL! Not to beat this horse too much – my above results required 100-120 hours a week! Next time you question what you are doing – ask yourself? What could I do more? In most cases extra time will be the greatest leverage you can apply! More about time in another newsletter!

Not many on the planet then or now can relate to that kind of geometric and quantum growth or hours worked to achieve it! And this is exactly what I have taught and coached since 1993! As I said in my last newsletter – you don’t learn to hit 100 mph fast balls from guys throwing snow balls! Unfortunately, most of you are only in touch with those playing softball: your friends and family who don’t want to hurt your feelings; accountants and lawyers that want you to continue to pay; advisors who just want your money; business partners who don’t have a clue because they never have been in or around the big leagues; and I could go on! And that is a major reason your progress is inhibited! After all, “you don’t know what you don’t know” – as one of my mentees told me several years ago. He went on to be CEO of the year in the UK!

It’s a bad analogy vis-à-vis political correctness. But imagine dating an experienced “lady/guy of the night” as opposed to a farm girl/guy from Kansas, or the Shetlands! Well you know what I mean! You don’t know what you don’t know!


New Coaching Program

I have been working on the updating of my next castle seminar, which begins in less than 3 weeks! It has been fun innovating with new ideas to give the attendees the most value humanly possible!

While working on the seminar, I came up with the idea of attracting new talent to my various business interests. Hell you can use them as well! Using head hunters and the various services have produced results, I am not that happy with long term. In the past I find the best candidates at seminars or my various travels and with

Hence, I decided to launch a new 3 prong search for talent. These 3 will cover the spectrum of the deals I am involved in at this time. I have always said all the talent doesn’t necessarily go to college and, or go to prestigious schools! As witnessed by many extremely successful entrepreneurs over many decades that dropped out of college or never went! But don’t get me wrong – it is a great indicator and a massive leg up to have gone to a prestigious school! As you all know, I didn’t go to one of those great schools! And it took me 8 years to graduate from undergraduate school because I kept “communism from your door steps” for 3 ½ years in between while serving in the U.S. ARMY.


Give Someone A Chance!

I often use the example of a security guard I had in India in 2005/6, who now is one of the most successful Internet marketing guys in Asia! Management saw him while on duty looking poor and skinny – malnourished with his uniform that looked like it would fit me! To make a long story short, we gave him an opportunity to read, study, and be coached. He devoured the material like a kid who had not eaten in years! In the beginning we paid him more, so he could properly eat! After being trained and he succeeded, his starting salary was multiples of his guard wages! And now he is “living large” and has recently been married!

This story in India was further complicated cause he was from the lowest cast in India – ya I know the cast system was outlawed decades ago! But the other employees hated and resented him and treated him poorly! But at the end of the day, he got through the ordeal with our help! And the great news he succeeded beyond our wildest expectations! I am hoping to replicate this again – on a greater scale!

Various partners and mentees of mine have used this rags-to-riches methodology to get talent. It has been successful before, but you need to deal with your own “other employees” to get them past their inherent prejudices! It is not easy, but it can be accomplished! Try it!

In this vain one of my new talent pools will come out of a similar group here in Asia. The final interview for this group of 10 (out of 140) begins today. We will hire 3-5 to start. There is certainly no shortage of this kind of candidate here!

The 2nd talent group will come out of my own former background—ex-military! There are countless military guys/gals being discharged today that are disciplined, focused, and possess leadership skills, not taught at schools. And more importantly they have real world experience – not merely learned in a class room! I will look for kids (and to me anyone less than 40 is a kid) that are hungry for responsibility and focused to fill my various opportunities. These kids will have more education and former training just because that is what the military does to you! I should know! LOL! As they said in my day – the military takes boys and makes men out of them! And in my case that is certainly what happened! I spent 39 months on active duty as a young man of 20 to 24. I volunteered as a private and came out an officer – ready to tear the world apart! Of course the rest is history!

The 3rd talent pool is more traditional. I will open up an intern program. In recent years interns have become very popular. Of course they have had interns in show business since the 50’s. Regis Philbin and Katie Couric are prominent examples in the U.S.A., beginning as young interns for TV. I will interview kids recently out of colleges and graduate schools around the world, as I travel! I have already received interest since I announced it on Twitter and FB a couple days ago.

One might ask: who of these 3 groups may produce the “greatest” potential candidates? Who will be the most successful in life and business?

I have my own personal opinion who will outshine whom? You might have your own opinion and I would be interested to hear from you on Twitter ( or FB ( These 3 programs will last throughout 2012.


New Castle Seminar

My challenge with the Castle Seminar is keeping the daily amount we will cover to 10 hours, not counting the night work with groups, etc. I am really looking forward to the new experience! And I make no guarantees – but I do guarantee those that attend will have never experienced anything like it in their entire lives and maybe never again unless they attend another castle experience:

1)     Knowledge based on 40+ years of extraordinary experience and success all over the world in industries from A to Z.

2)     Based on real world relationships from great leaders past and present

3)     Ambiance that is unparalleled in my 15th century story book castle

4)     Gourmet food, state-of-the-art gym, and entertainment center in the tower

5)     Interfacing with high performance individuals looking and hungry for focus, knowledge, and a results-oriented program to drive them forward

6)     Special time with me to understand and comment on your dreams and goals

7)     Many hours of role playing interfacing with other high-performance people accelerating your learning curve to adapt new skills to search for finance to fulfill your dreams

8)     And extended access to me for a year going forward so we can monitor your progress together 


To your quantum leap,




P.S. As many have asked pictures of my recent trip from Dubai, Oman, Petra Jordan, Egypt, Holy Land, and Athens will be up shortly on my social media channels.

P.P.S. In regards to the above talent search: we already have 2 final candidates from the Asian underprivileged group; 3 candidates from the ex-military group; and 3 college interns candidates! Wow! The program is only 48 hours old!

P.P.P.S. The diversity of the current May Castle Seminar attendees:

  1. Israeli Banker – 1st time attendee
  2. English Restaurant Owner – 1st time attendee
  3. Greek Orthodox Priest – 1st time attendee
  4. U.S.A. Serial Entrepreneur – 3rd time attendee
  5. U.S.A. Internet Marketing – 1st time attendee
  6. German Disco/Real Estate Owner – 2nd time attendee
  7. Austrian Ex-World-Class Skier – 2nd time attendee
  8. Romanian Internet Marketing – 2nd time attendee
  9. Romanian Internet – 1st time attendee
  10. Romanian Internet – 1st time attendee
  11. U.S.A. Applications Social Media – 1st time attendee
  12. U.S.A. Data Information – 1st time attendee
  13. Swiss Entrepreneur – 1st time attendee
  14. World-Class Internet Marketing Guru – 6th time attendee
  15. European Singer


P.P.P.P.S. I will be posting daily excerpts from the Castle Seminar on YouTube to show what the attendees are enduring! LOL! Don’t view if you can’t take real world rough language!

P.P.P.P.P.S. My new QLA product will go on sale beginning Monday. It will remain for a week! Download it now on