Fact #1 |
Dan Peña built a $445 MILLION dollar market-valued energy company. starting out with nothing more than $820. a telephone. and a leased fax machine – in just 8 short years! (when the price of oil plummeted from $40 to a lousy $10 a barrel!). |
Fact #2 |
Dan Peña has built from scratch, more dollar value than any other personal development "pied piper" or slick talking business coach who’ll ever try to sell you a book or try and put your backside on a seat at their seminar. |
Fact #3 |
Dan’s lost more money on just one bad deal than a lot of those silk-suited seminar mooches, have ever made in their entire lives! |
Fact #4 |
Dan’s made over 65,000 business decisions during his 35-year business career. That’s probably 60,000 more than anyone who’ll read this web site – or anyone selling bullshit success books and tapes. |
Fact #5 |
Dan’s made more than 500 financial presentations on five continents (all but Antarctica – there’s no money there!), raising over a BILLION dollars during times when nobody else could raise a cent! And in between, he’s logged millions of miles in travel, thousands of nights in hotels, thousands of business meetings, and more than 250,000 business phone conversations |
Fact #6 |
Dan used to get called crazy. Then after he’d made his first few million dollars, they started zy. Then after he’d made his first few million dollars, they started calling him "controversial". A London newspaper labeled him "the most controversial man in London in the Eighties." (Dan says, "A public figure is "controversial" when he’s got too much money and influence to be called crazy. Besides he might be crazy enough to sue you into oblivion"). |
Fact #7 |
Since Dan’s "retirement", he’s become a highly in-demand business success coach to a selected group of entrepreneurs and companies. He also conducts high-priced (Costing up to $28,000.00 per person), hard-hitting, no-nonsense, "in your face" seminars in the US, the United Kingdom and Europe. |