6th June 2005
From Dan Peña – Executive Coach and Mentor to the High Performer.
Dear High Performance Person and Visionary,
It’s been a few weeks and this news letter. As they say in Texas I am feel like a one legged man in a three legged ass kicking contest! This very short letter is purely an informational. I didn’t want to wait till my next regular letter to make the announcements below:
My mentor site is finally complete, or should I say posted. www.mentorprogramme.com It will be changed from time to time as I adapt it to the users. It is attached to my Dan Pena site. The site is self explanatory. Those interested merely fill in the application questionnaire and submit it. I would suggest you all read the application. It is extremely revealing! And as you will read, if you don’t fulfill your goals during the first 12 months of the mentor programme you will receive a no questions asked 150% money back guarantee!! I am especially excited, or as excited as a man my age can be, to get the programme launched. Whilst I have had many mentees over the years, I never had a formalized programme. Each programme will be bespoke or hand made, but there will be a number of centralized benchmarks based on my many years of working as a mentor and as a mentee of Constantine Gratsos, Jim Newman, and Jerri Ormand. If I learned anything it is to model things that are already successful! And that is what this mentor programme is based on. Or to put it in modern parlance – this programme is the best of best practices!
Another point of information, I changed the date of the 1 day QLA Seminar at Guthrie Castle to Sep 9 from 25 July. www.qlaonedaycastleseminar.com/. A business commitment has come up unexpectedly and I can’t make the July date now. I apologize for any inconvenience. For those of you that purchased tickets in advance, etc, please notify my office for restitution. All other term and conditions apply, including the no questions asked 150% money back guarantee!!
I want to take this opportunity to thank those of you that asked me since August of 2001 to start giving seminars again. It has been a conduit of people with interesting ideas and dreams that are attainable through the QLA methodology. As many of you know I truly enjoy assisting people fulfill their dreams so they can be all they can be.
Thanks again!
To Your Quantum Leap,
Daniel S. Peña Sr.
P. S. All I would say is I “strongly suggest” and you know what I mean when I say suggest – you all take a close look at the mentor application.