The Best Gift

I have been receiving gifts ever since I was young. I’m used to receiving lavish gifts coming from my father and mother, grandparents and friends of our family. I have always liked what they give me but of course as I grew up I have come to realize that the things that they are giving […]

Slacking Off

They say that “too much of something is bad”. It has always been difficult to manage things that you have, especially your finances and it has always been that way for people who choose to slack off and not do anything but wait for some miracle to happen. Well, I’m one of those people who […]

“Pay Day”

“I’m short”. Not that I’m talking about my height but that’s what I always catch myself saying. I have been working hard all my life but seem to not have enough money to support myself, much more my family. I don’t know what to do and always wonder why I always look for someone who […]

Getting out

I was always the one being bullied when I was a young kid. I remember Big Mike getting all of the candies I received as a gift for my birthday and he would always take a bite of my sandwich and get all of it when he liked it and left me with the rest […]

Convincing Powers

I didn’t want to be a businessman at first and my father literally forced me to be one. He is a frustrated businessman who spent half of what he got from my grandfather in a business he thought would make him richer but ended up getting him to bankruptcy. He kept on telling me that […]

The Bully

You were once a little boy going around school carrying your lunch box with you. You turn around the corner of your canteen and these big hands suddenly grab you by the collar extorting your lunch box and the few pennies you have in your pocket. You try to give in because you don’t want […]