You Can’t Be What You Cant See

After many years of coaching it never ceases to amaze me how much better a student does with direct coaching he can hear  and see!  Since May 1993 when I gave my 1st QLA Seminar in Los Angeles it has been obvious to me that 1 on 1 face to face coaching was far superior […]

Inspired or Desperate?

Oops! Forgot it was Memorial Day weekend in the USA! Being a very proud Veteran myself, my thanks goes out to all that have served and died for their countries around the world! Was so busy working, it escaped me – so  Happy Memorial Day to those in the USA! Enjoy, but keep working! I […]

Volcanic Ash

Dear QLA Visionary and Devotee, Volcanic ash! Man plans and god laughs. It has been over a week since the castle seminar has ended and it was a big success. I have often said – man plans and God laughs. Well, the volcanic ash of Iceland made life pretty difficult to say the least. Of […]

QLA Seminar 2010 wrap up

The QLA Seminar 2010 was a great success! A chosen elite few were privileged to attend the 7-day Castle Extravaganza and learned how generate mega wealth from scratch – with no money. Check out the testimonials and pictures posted below. Testimonials “QLA Seminar is mind-blowing, it´s about correctly rewiring your head. Changes in overall outcome […]

Webcast Announcement – Creating a Deal Flow

Dear Friend and Visionary,   I hope you enjoyed my last news letter # 76. Now, we are going to test a new concept for me. We are going to do a free webinar audio broadcast on April 1 8pm pst. It will be about 40 minutes. The subject is very important in the current […]

Have You Done Enough?

Dear QLA Devotee and Visionary: Yes, man does plan and the Big Man does laugh! But man still needs to plan and have and execute goals and plans. Man doesn’t plan to fail. Man fails to plan. A lot has happened in the last few months in the world. Sadly Haiti and Chile earthquakes have […]